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  3. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS/SSSP's/RAM's)

Understanding The SWMS Process Inside SignOnSite

Safe Work Method Statements can be managed for each of your sites.


Your Subcontractor Supervisors can upload their SWMS prior to their team arriving on site.


Click on this link to watch a video that will help you know more about:

--->SWMS Workflow<---


There are 4 key components to the SWMS workflow:

1. When the Subcontractor Supervisor uploads their SWMS for a site

2. The review process by a Site Manager for that SWMS

3. The Worker accessing and acknowledging their related SWMS 

4. When SWMS needs to be revised

Pre-requirements for using SWMS

  • The Companies that will be attending the site (have been awarded the contract) will need to be added via the Companies on Site register. Click here for the 'How To' guide.

  • For SWMS to be uploaded, your contracting companies will require access to the Subcontractor portal.

    You can grant them (a leading hand or manager) Subcontractor Supervisor access by following these few steps:

    • Open or create a site and head to the Settings tab (in that site)

    • Scroll down until you find 'Subcontractor Supervisors.

    • Complete the fields

    • The invited Subcontractor Supervisor will need to verify their email. They will receive an email from signonsite.com.au prompting them to do so.



  • You can configure your own Checklist in the Company Settings. Click here to create your own Company Checklist.

  • The checklist can be viewed and saved individually against each uploaded file.

  • There is a single SWMS checklist active at any time for a customer's account. When the checklist is modified, the changes are not retroactive so historical records are maintained

  • There is another company setting which can make the checklist visible to subcontractors on the upload screen for review prior to uploading a SWMS.