Site Briefings: Quick Set Up Guide

A quick guide to set up your Site Briefings

Site Briefings allow you to set messages to be delivered to your workers when they sign on to the site. They can be useful for any reminders that need to be announced to all users like hazards, plan of the day, communicating a site schedule, or simply announcing someone's birthday.

Company Administrators can set up a generic site briefing that can be edited by their site managers.

Site Managers also have access to set up their briefing for their own site.




Setting up a Briefing

  1. Navigate to the Briefings Tab.

  2. Click on the "Schedule a Briefing" box.

  3. Create your Briefing in the space provided.

  4. When you’re done, simply click on Update Briefing.



  • This briefing will be delivered to users the next time they sign on to the site.

  • You can review old briefings by changing the date.

5171fe6c-034e-4c6d-b76e-fdf05506de2e.pngViewing a History of Your Site's Briefings

All Current, Scheduled Future, and Past briefings appear in the register.

You can end current briefings, delete future briefings, and view the content of a briefing using the Action icons.

Copying a briefing means is to copy the content of a briefing as a starting point for a new briefing. Screen_Shot_2022-04-21_at_11.27.08_PM.png


Worker Notification & Acknowledgment

Once a briefing is set, a worker can read and acknowledge the briefing on their phone. 


1. Open your Briefing from your Mobile App's Site Docs.



2. Read the Briefing and acknowledge it by tapping the "I have read the briefing" button.



3. You have successfully acknowledged your Briefing!



A record of reading the briefing can be found under the Attendance tab.Screen_Shot_2022-04-11_at_11.02.26_PM.png