Permit's Approval Process by the Site Manager



1. The Site Manager will be informed once all permits have been completed. Just click on the pop-up notification or go to the Permit page of your Mobile App.



2. You can view all of the Permit's sections on the Permit page before Approving/Rejecting.

3. When the Approve/Reject button is tapped, a pop-up will appear with the choices "Yes-Submit Request", "Reject", and "No-Return to Screen."



4. Approve had been selected for this image. As soon as the permit is approved, a notification will appear.



5. You will be taken to a page where you can proceed and draw your signature or choose one of the following options:

5.1 Override - This allows the site manager to move an in-progress permit state forward without needing any mandatory checks to be completed. When this action is used, there will be an audit log entry and the site manager who triggered it will be asked to explain why they triggered it. The purpose of this function is to enable an active permit to be progressed forward and not be delayed by absent people etc.

5.2 Suspend - For an active / in-progress permit, a site manager may choose to immediately stop the permit and freeze it. When this action is used, there will be an audit log entry and the site manager who triggered it will be asked to explain why they triggered it. This function is useful when all work on site has to be stopped due to weather or other adverse site conditions etc.

6. After making sure everything is correct, you can add another signature to finalise the approval process.



7. Congratulations! You've approved a Permit.
