1. SignOnSite Support
  2. Navigating Through Features
  3. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS/SSSP's/RAM's)

1. Enabling SWMS On A Site (and turning on signatures)

SWMS is made available on a per-site basis

Once SWMS is turned on for your company (contact support@signonsite.com.au or your Customer Success Manager to request access), Company Administrators and Site Managers can enable the feature from the web panel.


1. Enter a site and go to the Settings tab.



2. Scroll down to the Feature Settings table and find the SWMS option.


3. Select Enable to turn on SWMS for that site.



4. Click Save Settings.



Capturing Signatures on SWMS is Optional

To enable capturing signatures in SWMS for your Sites, you must have a Company Administrator User Level Access.


From your Company Dashboard, go to your Company Settings and toggle ON "Require signatures for acknowledging SWMS" (requires SWMS feature)



Workers will be asked to sign the SWMS in addition to acknowledging the SWMS.

Site Managers and Company Administrators are able to view the signatures on SWMS quickly in the Acknowledgement History.



Find out how to Upload and Review SWMS here

How Workers access their SWMS on-site can be found here

How Workers can access SWMS docs off-site can be found here