Downloading your Site Data


How to download your Site Data as a Spreadsheet 


Whether you'd like to graph your attendance data, use it for reporting, or frame it for your wall, you'll need to download your data from the SignOnSite system.


SignOnSite provides your data as a .csv file, a standard spreadsheet file that can be read by all spreadsheet software.

In this spreadsheet, you will be able to see data such as; how many users were on-site, for how long, what company they work for, if they had acknowledged the daily briefing and if they were inducted.


How to Download a Day's Attendance Data 

You can download attendance data for a single day by navigating to that day on the Attendance Register and clicking Save These Visits at the bottom of the Attendance Register.

To access records for the past day, use the Jump to a Date function on the left sidebar. For more information, refer to this article on the Attendance Register.




How to Download Attendance Data for a Date Range

To download Attendance data for a date range, navigate to the Settings tab. Scroll down to the Download Site Statistics section, and then enter the date range you'd like to download. When you're done, click the Request Site Data button.
