Apple: Software Update iOS 14


How to interpret new location permissions on your iPhone and what they signify for your SignOnSite app

iOS 14 changes the way permissions for Location Settings can be used on your iPhone. This change allows you to turn off 'Precise Location'. In order for you to automatically sign on to your site, Precise Location must be turned on.

Why do I need 'Precise location' turned on?

Precise location allows your GPS to locate your location in order to find your correct site. Without this feature enabled, your location may be within a radius of up to 20 km. This may impact the accuracy of you signing onto the site you are working on.

How do I turn this feature on?

The Precise Location feature is automatically enabled on your iPhone through your Apple update to iOS 14.



However, if you find that the setting has been turned off, you can head to your phone Settings scroll to SignOnSite > Location, and click the toggle for Precise Location.



If you have any issues with these adjusting these settings, please feel free to contact your Site Manager or email


Click here for more on Apple's Privacy and Location Settings.

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