Viewing a Flexible Form Submission from the Web Portal
Flexible form submissions can be viewed from the web portal. Here's how:
1. Select the forms tab, and then you’ll be taken to the Flexible Form screen.
2. Select a Form, and then you’ll be taken to the Form Submission Summary screen.
Each data component on a Form is represented as an individual column from left to right.
3. Clicking on an entry in the Input column will launch a Form Preview that displays the gathered data contextually.
4. The "Show/Hide Columns" drop-down menu on the form summary screen allows you to select the columns you require viewing or don't want to see.
5. Clicking the "View" button in the table's final column will allow you to view the whole Form as a whole.
Note: By default, the data shown under the "Submitted By" and "Submitted At" columns are automatically provided.
Each form submission can be downloaded as a PDF.