How to Structure a Permit Template via a Mobile App (Subcontractor Supervisor's View)?
1. Open your Mobile App's Site Docs and head on to Permits.
2. Choose a New Permit. (This page will also display all the Permits you created and their statuses.)
3. Choose the available Permit for your job.
4. In the Permits Register, you will find 3 categories:
4.1 Team: This is auto-filled with the Requestor Company Name and Requester. Team Members will populate once you have added team members to the Permit. The Obtain Approval on the upper right is grayed out and will only be available when the permit is completed.
Important Note:
Having Subbie Supervisor access gives you the ability to add team members
Tap on the workers you wish to add. An orange check will indicate your chosen workers.
4.2 Task: This is where you plot your start and end date & time.
4.3 Checks - These are reminders that you need to acknowledge. Scroll down as you read through the important reminders.
4.4 Logs: This is your activity section, where you can track the status of your Permit.