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Speed Up Induction Times With Worker Passports


We understand there is a balance in all induction processes, part administration, part education, part comprehension testing, not to mention the opportunity to eyeball new workers coming to site.


To assist in this process, we understand that oftentimes workers will repeat core information at every site they go to. Not to mention the frequency in which the photocopy machine gets a workout copying licences and credentials.


Using the induction feature with the functionality of a Worker Passport can assist in reducing he admin overhead, so teams can focus on what is important in inductions. Not to mention workers can keep their worker passport up to date to ensure that you have the relevant information as and when you need it (reducing error in information provided).


In this session you will learn:

  • Different features of the induction form to communicate to your workers.
  • How to incorporate key fields for improved reporting.
  • How to set up your worker passport to easily connect in to induction forms.
  • Accessing worker passport information.



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