Using the kiosk for Site Inductions
It is now possible to complete Induction forms through the Kiosk app.
Under the site's settings, the option to use the kiosk for site introductions must be turned on. Furthermore, make sure the SOS Kiosk app is up to date on the kiosk device (iPad or other).
Find Android app downloads and updates here.
Find iOS app downloads and updates here.
Turning on this feature won't alter the kiosk until an induction form is made active for a certain site. Visit the Induction tab and look through the Induction forms to see if your form is currently active. The color green indicates that it is active.
Scroll down to Feature Settings and turn ON the Worker Inductions on Kiosk.
When the feature is activated, every user who signs on to the kiosk for the first time or later without having completed an induction will be requested to do so every time they sign on until they have completed one.