A collection of short videos to walk you through the platform, giving you the tools you need to begin using SignOnSite.
Learn where it sits around your project, the permissions required to ensure a smooth worker experience, and how it works with the SignOnSite phone app.
How to use SignOnSite.
1. The SignOnSite Tools | Web Panel and Phone App.
2. Accessing the web panel and overview of the home screen.
3. Creating your site and how the phone signs you on.
Watch: Signing on to site for the first time
4. Understanding and managing the Attendance register.
5. Setting and managing the Daily Briefings.
Watch: Reading the Briefing on the phone app
6. Inductions: An overview and how to manually induct a worker.
Watch: How to complete and review Inductions on the phone app
Watch: Manually inducting workers (or marking off Visitors)
7. Inductions - Creating, Activating and Reviewing.
8. Site Reporting.
9. Adding Site Manager, Wardens, Subbie Supervisors and Company Administrators.
10. Turning on other useful features for your site, editing site details and boundaries, and how to archive your site at the end of the project.
11. Sending an SMS to help users download the SignOnSite mobile phone app.
Further Support Articles
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Alternatively, if you have a technical issue, the Support team can be reached via:
Email: support@signonsite.com.au or