Modular Inductions: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions.

How do workers access the induction forms of a site they have not been on yet?

  • For new workers who have not signed on to a project before and established that first connection, they will need to be given a link sent by their site managers for them to click on, which will take them directly to relevant induction forms of the site in the SignOnSite mobile app.
  • This link can be sent directly to the user in an SMS via the invitations tab in the web portal.
  • Those who receive the SMS (e.g. the primary point of contact of the subcontractor) can forward the SMS to the rest of their team/crew. They can also copy and paste the link contained in the SMS into other third-party comms platforms such as WhatsApp.
  • NOTE: recipients who click on the link will be signed in under the company name that is configured in the link.

What happens if they click on the link but do not have the app installed or they are logged out from the app?

  • If they do not have the app installed, they will be taken to their app store to download the app. Once they have downloaded the app and created an account, they will taken directly to the relevant induction forms. If they already have the app but are not logged in, they will be shown the app login screen. Once they have logged in they will taken directly to the relevant induction forms.

Are any modular induction improvements supported in the kiosk?

  • There are currently no plans to support modular induction functionality in the kiosk.
  • If modular inductions are turned on and the company has enabled induction forms to be displayed in kiosks, the following behavior will occur:
    • Any company-wide inductions that have been created will not be shown on the kiosk
    • Only one site induction form will be displayed in the kiosk. If there are two or more site induction forms that have been activated, then only the earliest activated form will be displayed.

If I enable modular inductions and then create and activate a company-wide induction, what would happen to workers on an existing site who were already fully inducted?

  • They would revert to a partially inducted status. If a site manager views the induction records of the existing workers (either from the web portal or the mobile app) they would see that the existing site induction form has been completed and approved, but the company-wide induction form that was just activated would have not been completed yet. This means that if the existing workers want to be considered fully inducted again, they would need to complete the company-wide induction form that had just been activated.

Are there any limits on how many active company-wide induction forms I can have?

  • There are no limits in creating and activating company-wide inductions forms.

Are there any limits on how many active site-specific induction forms I can have?

  • There are no limits in creating and activating site specific inductions forms.

When customers upload credentials in any induction form, can the passport be automatically populated with the credentials?

  • Yes - there is an option to allow workers to enable this.

Do I need to use the mobile app to complete a modular induction form?

  • Yes - currently all site participants (workers, visitors, etc) will need to use the mobile app to access and complete induction forms.

When I reject an induction, how will the recipient be notified?

  • If a site manager rejects an induction either from the web or the mobile app, they will need to write a rejection message that would be sent to the worker. The worker will then receive a push notification telling them that an induction form that was submitted has been rejected.
  • If a worker clicks on this push notification, they will be taken to the induction form summary screen of a site where they can see which induction forms were rejected. When clicking on the rejected induction form, the worker will be able to read the rejection message written by the site manager.

When a worker signs in to a site and they haven’t done one or more induction forms, how will they be notified?

  • They will be sent an existing push notification telling them they need to complete an induction.

When a worker signs in to a site and they haven’t done one or more induction forms, how will site managers be notified?  

  • Currently, we don’t support this functionality - Site Managers will need to monitor the attendance registers on either the web portal or via the mobile app.
  • In the future there are plans to support this functionality - the idea is to allow company admins and site managers to choose which induction forms they want to receive notifications for if they have not been completed yet.

Can I choose what induction forms can be completed offsite and what forms can only be completed when on-site?

  • Yes - company admins can choose what company-wide induction forms can be done offsite or restricted to onsite only, while site managers can choose what site-specific induction forms can be done offsite or restricted to onsite only.

As a site manager, can I access and review induction forms of any site from the mobile app?

  • Yes - you can access and review them from the manager tab in the mobile app.
  • When signed in to a site you can access induction forms of workers on another site by accessing the “attendance register - select other sites” function.
  • If you are not signed in to any site, you may choose the method described above, or the alternative method which is selecting the “Site induction - select a site” function.

Can I configure the SMS link with my wording?

  • Currently, we don’t provide this functionality, however, we may look into supporting this in the future.

Can I set a renewal or expiry date on an induction form?

  • Currently, we don’t provide this functionality, however, we may look into supporting this in the future.

Do you support visitor and driver inductions?

  • Yes, we will - Company admins will need to set up these roles from the company-level settings page. Once configured, company admins and site managers can create induction forms specifically for those roles.

Can I offer induction forms to just a group of trades on a specific site e.g. plumbers?

  • Yes - Company admins can set up these trades as roles from the company-level settings page. Once configured, site managers can create induction forms specifically for those roles.

Can I offer inductions to just a group of trades e.g. plumbers across all company sites?

  • Yes - Company admins can set up these trades as roles from the company-level settings page. Once configured, company admins can create induction forms specifically for those roles.

Can I configure the same induction form to suit different roles?

  • Yes, you can - In each section of the induction form you will be able to choose what roles you want the section to be visible for.
  • This means that you could ask an electrician to upload their electrician's license and make it mandatory, however, a plumber reading the same form will not see that requirement at all.

Can I create an induction form and offer it only to a list of specified persons?

  • Currently, this is not possible, however, we may look to support this type of functionality in the future.

Can a person choose more than 1 role on a site?

  • Currently, this is not possible, however, we may look to support this type of functionality in the future.

If I create another / new company-wide induction form and then I activate it, what happens to workers who are currently fully inducted?

  • They will revert to a partially inducted status. They will need to complete that new/additional company-wide induction form and have it approved before they will be considered fully inducted again.

What will happen to my existing site-specific induction forms if I don’t want to use any of the changes made with the introduction of the modular inductions feature?

  • They will continue to function as-is and remain on-site only. When the modular inductions feature is turned on for everyone and you don’t want to use any of the new functionality, there are no additional actions you are required to perform.

How do I get comfort that users are engaging with the content and not simply skimming through it?

  • We suggest using a combination of offsite-capable and onsite-only induction forms, and then splitting your induction requirements and content across them.
  • For example, you might ask for credentials/licenses and screening questions in an offsite-capable form, but for content that you want to carefully explain, supervise, and test comprehension on (e.g site-specific hazards that are very important to be aware of), you may want to include some or all of that content in an onsite-only form.
  • We also suggest taking advantage of the quiz section of the induction forms. You can ask carefully crafted questions that directly relate to the content the worker has just read.