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How To Successfully Roll Out SignOnSite on Site

So you have this new system, you've learned the features, maybe you've experimented and set up an office site - you ask - now how do I get the rest of my business and site teams on board?


Let's walk through some strategies and look at how we can prepare our teams to reduce the pain of implementing something new.


In this session we will cover:

  • Customising your workflows to integrate SignOnSite on site.
  • Tooling up on the technology behind the platform to support you to answer worker queries.
  • Communications strategies to get your subcontractors, site teams and workers on board.
    • Including the why
    • Options to signing on
    • Setting expectations on use.
  • Supporting the troubleshooting process with new users using the technology.
  • Using common site practice to Audit use and support uptake.
  • Demonstrating value with workers in how it will help them on site.
  • Common questions (and objections) to using a mobile app.


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