The Management Panel allows you to access the site's attendance register and do tasks such as inducting workers, creating briefings, accessing site data, and managing the site's setup and user rights.
Suggested Web Browser: Google Chrome
Web Address:
Who Has Access: Users with 'Site Manager', 'Company Administrator' or 'Subcontractor Supervisor' permissions.
You will need to be added to the Site's Management Team:
For Company Administrators: Contact another Company Administrator to grant you access. You will receive a confirmation email; follow the prompts or the login steps below.
For Site Managers: A Company Administrator can grant you access. You will receive a confirmation email; follow the prompts or the login steps below.
For Subcontractor Supervisors: A Site Manager or Company Administrator can grant you access. You will receive a confirmation email; follow the prompts or the login steps below.
Log in using the Username and Password you used to set up your mobile phone app.
Note: You can click on Click here at the bottom of the Login section if you forgot your password or click on Get Support for any trouble in logging in to your Managers Web Panel