1. SignOnSite Support
  2. ⚙️ Navigating Through Features
  3. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS/SSSP's/RAM's)

2.2 Uploading A SWMS For A Site via Mobile App

Your site team and subbie supervisors can upload SWMS via the Mobile App.


1. Open your mobile app and navigate to your site, or sign in using a QR code.

2. SWMS can be accessed via the Site Docs tab.

3. Select Upload SWMS.

4. Next, you will be prompted to select which company you want to upload your SWMS for.

5. Upload a new file. 

Note: You also have the option to Edit or Delete the existing file.

6. When adding your SWMS, you will have the option of uploading it from your photo library, taking a photo of it, or selecting a file from your phone.

7. If it is enabled on a site, finish uploading your SMWS by confirming that the file submitted complies with the specified checklist. You may also include comments in the text box.



You have successfully uploaded your SWMS for Review!